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StakeholderClub is a shareholder oriented social networking service that connects retail investors to exchange listed companies and investment resources.



Dear Stakeholder,


All participants in financial markets need to stay connected, as closely as possible.


Enabling individuals to invest in stocks allows them to participate in their country's growth story and contributes to the democratization of markets.


Individual investors want to make use of their time and talents with the best available information to find great companies, to discover undervalued companies and invest for their personal wealth creation.


We founded, the one interactive online investment relations network that connects all individual investors to relevant resources, exchange listed companies, shareholder associations,  economic science as well as wall street and ultimately, all other financial market stakeholders.


Retail investors need a platform that aggregates all relevant investment sources and expertise to make the best possible investment decisions and make monitoring their portfolios convenient and time efficient. Shareholders also require a platform that connects them to shareholder associations and financial education.


Our vision is to enable individuals to participate in the financial markets, the economic growth story and development, regardless of their personal wealth. That's why we offer access to our network for all individual investors free of charge.


To add to this, we provide access to non-profit organizations at no cost and are aware of the educative responsibilities we have.



Image by Joshua Mayo

For Retail Investors

Free of charge

Real time info via direct channel

Trusted source of information

Time efficient

Easy access and user friendly

Large shareholder network

Removes information asymmetry between institutional and retail investors

Fraud prevention / detection

Retail Investors

For Listed Companies

Target new investors

Enhance engagement with existing investors

Increase international share ownership

Increase investor feedback

Improve disclosure

Increase research coverage

Provide greater management accessibility

Increase domestic share ownership

Raise capital

Crisis Management Tool

Cross Selling Opportunity

Reach relevant audience (true shareholders)

Reach scale and awareness

Investor Relations is rising in strategic importance to corporations and its purview is expanding. Both are the result of shareholders’ need for broader and deeper understanding of a company’s story – i.e., the dynamics of its market, and the company’s vision for creating value as those dynamics play out in an uncertain future.


If there is one thing that the economic crisis has made abundantly clear, it’s the need for transparency and direct communications between issuers and shareholders. As one analyst put it, “It’s a new paradigm. Trust is a key element in the post-Madoff era.” Indeed when it comes to the markets, shareholders are still skittish and investment horizons are still relatively short-term.


Shareholders want the company’s full story – not just the earnings release.


Perhaps it’s first worth talking about the potential payoffs, literally speaking, of effective communication.


The crisis, of course, has turned everything on its proverbial head – and, investors say, this includes what they thought they knew about business fundamentals.


Recently, advisory firm Corporate Executive Board surveyed several hundred portfolio managers as well as buy- and sell-side analysts and found that most respondents want more information from companies and their IR teams. Only 13 percent of those polled said the passive approach of an Investor Relations Officer simply responding to a question was sufficient. This means it is up to the IRO to start telling bigger, broader company stories.


Simply reporting the financials is no longer sufficient.

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